Eating Clean

It is summer of 2022. I just wrote a post about Keeping Kosher, which translates somewhat literally as “eating clean.” Lately, I have been hearing the phrase, “eating clean,” in the miasma. Friends are doing it, or trying it. Someone actually claimed that I claimed to do it. I don’t know what it means, so I search it online.

Here are some of the clickbait headlines in the results:

11 Simple Ways to Eat Whole Today – Healthline

9 Ways to Eat Clean – WebMD

7 Tips for Clean Eating – EatingWell

Clean eating: 3 myths and truths – Medical News Today

Clean Eating Magazine – Clean Eating

Why are the listicles all odd numbers? I decide to check them out, see if they have anything in common, and if “eating clean” has a coherent, agreed-upon definition. There is a lot of overlap, but it seems there is far from unanimous agreement. Here are the tips and my comparison with whole food, plant-based eating:

TipWhole food, plant-based
Eat more vegetables and fruits100% agreement
Limit processed foodsEliminate processed foods
Read labels, skip artificial ingredientsAlso skip added sugars, oils, and sodium
Limit refined carbsEliminate refined flours and added sugars
Choose oils and spreads wiselyOil is highly processed, pure fat. There are no healthy oils. No, not olive oil.
Limit alcohol consumptionAgreed. I drink a beer or two a week, that I brewed myself.
Avoid packaged snack foodsAgreed. Virtually all are high in added fat, salt, sugar, and chemical ingredients.
Make water your primary beverageAgreed
Choose food from ethically raised or antibiotic-free animalsEat no animal-based foods
Pick whole foodsEat whole plants
Eat whole grainsAgreed
Reduce salt intakeThe less, the better.
Limit caffeineI have one cup of strong coffee each morning. It’s my toughest addiction.
Decide if you’ll go organicOrganic is marginally better for many plant foods. Eschew all meat, including organic.
Eat less meatEat no meat.

Does “eating clean” just mean eat slightly healthier than you were before? Eat modestly healthier variations of the foods you love that are bad for you? Or slightly smaller amounts of poison? It appears to be a vaguely defined term suitable for giving people excuses to continue bad nutritional practices, and selling advertisements and magazines, by making minimal incremental improvements to them.

If one eats whole food, plant-based, one is eating clean. Unfortunately, if one is eating clean but not whole food, plant-based, that may not be a healthy diet.

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