Category: Posterity


Comics and Me

In August 2008, I started to inventory, organize, and grade my comics, most of which I’ve had for over thirty years. When I was 6 or 7 years old, my grandfather sent me the first of several big boxes of comics. Here’s the story, as I understand it. These were...


Quantum Computing

It is January 2023. I have finished reading Q is for Quantum, along with an online course Introduction to Quantum Computing for Everyone, part 1. I will not try to summarize what I learned. Together, these two resources provide an accessible introduction to a field that is, according to them,...


Hunger Is a Sin

Uncle Al, may he rest in peace, was the oldest brother. Uncle Les, may he rest in peace, was the middle brother. My father, Richard, may he rest in peace, was the youngest. I vividly remember Uncle Al explaining to my teenage self that he considered allowing hunger to persist...


Happy New Year 2023

Whatever the urge is that makes people gather in large crowds at midnight in winter, to watch a lighted ball drop communally or to get a good spot to watch a parade pass the next morning—that urge does not apply to me. Kathryn and I stay home with the animals,...


The Fourth Dog

When Kathryn and I met in 2012, she had just one dog, Margo. Margo was shy of me at first, but gradually trust built, and she would come when I called and walk with me, with or without a leash. We played Margoball, a game in which Kathryn and I...


Climate Change and Kant

It is November 2022, and the world population has just reached 8 billion people, according to news reports. I don’t know how many people the planet can sustain, but I suspect that with improvements in technology and behavior, it is a lot more than 8 billion. We are experiencing extreme...


Happy Halloween

As a kid growing up in Fort Lauderdale in the 1960s, I loved Halloween. My costumes were usually not much, and one time an older kid broke an egg on head, and I ran home crying to my mother. I did not love that part. In those days, kids as...


I Was So Much Older Then

A book by an unknown author became very popular in 1974, the year I graduated high school and traveled all over the United States on Greyhound buses. It is still in print in 2022, and clearly one of the great publishing successes ever. You have probably read this book, a...