Category: Posterity

Residential Solar, Part 1 0

Residential Solar, Part 1

Our house in sunny Southern California was built in 1989. Prior to us buying it in 2018, it was occupied by renters. We have made many improvements inside and out. We love this home and don’t plan to move. Investing in photovoltaic to generate electricity has never been more economical....


Year One

It is June 2023. This blog is one year old. It is my project in retirement, along with skydiving, brewing beer, playing games, leading senior singalongs, eating healthfully, and hopefully soon, tutoring school kids in math. This blog began with a number of posts I had written in the years...


Dad Stories

It is Father’s Day 2023 and I am reflecting on my Dad, Rabbi Richard M. Leviton. This is not going to be a flowery paean to him. He was very human. He loved his four children and took good care of us, but it was difficult, especially after Mom died....



It is Spring of 2023, and our friends Wendy and Danny invite us over for game night. They teach us their latest game obsession, “Mexican Train” dominoes. I vaguely recall having played it many years before, but did not recall any of the particulars. We had a blast! There was...

What I Did Instead of Writing My Blog 0

What I Did Instead of Writing My Blog

Griped about commercials on TV. Told my wife I love her very much. Played Gin Rummy with my wife. Played dominoes with my wife and family. Led a singalong at a seniors’ community. Listened to Influx by Daniel Suarez. Read a bit of the Kindle edition of Hive by Gregg...


Costa Rica 2023 Manuel Antonio National Park

One of the reasons for renting the house in Quepos was proximity to Manuel Antonio National Park. I had been wanting to see it, and had missed it on our last stay. We took a short guided tour through this small, newer national park. The guide was very valuable, because...


Costa Rica 2023 Off the Beaten Path

Our second excursion from the rental house in Quepos was called “off the beaten path.” It started with a ride in a large Jeep-like vehicle through the back country. There was a stop at a small country store for an agua and baño break. It was unremarkable, except for the...


Costa Rica 2023 Sunset Cruise

After the boogie at Hotel Barceló, Playa Tambor, Costa Rica, Kathryn and I rented a house in Quepos along with our good friends Mike and Amy Canary and Jim and Jen Dolan. Our first excursion from there was a sunset cruise from the Quepos marina, aboard the Amy’s Dream. I...


Costa Rica Skydiving

Most of the time, the only skydiving there is in Costa Rica is at small operations catering mostly to tourists seeking tandem jumps. My friend David Clark has a place called “DESAFÍO VERTICAL” like that, when he is in between touring the world himself and helping Rich Grimm put on...


Valentine’s Day

Like many men, I feel that Valentine’s Day is basically a marketing promotion to get me to spend money on cards, candy, flowers, and other romantic gifts. Like many women, my wife feels that is no excuse to ignore the opportunity to demonstrate the depth of my romantic feelings for...