Category: Opinion


Hannah Was Here

My beautiful niece Hannah died at age 17 after prolonged suffering because of a reaction to a commonly prescribed drug that she took as directed. She became one of the iatrogenic deaths that are the third leading cause of all deaths in the United states. To be clear, this is...


Addiction is the Answer

What is the question? There are more than one, including: Why do people keep smoking when they know it is killing them? Why do people seek out excuses to cheat on their diets? Why do people gamble with money they can’t afford to lose? Why is porn damaging so many...


Eating Clean

It is summer of 2022. I just wrote a post about Keeping Kosher, which translates somewhat literally as “eating clean.” Lately, I have been hearing the phrase, “eating clean,” in the miasma. Friends are doing it, or trying it. Someone actually claimed that I claimed to do it. I don’t...


Keeping Kosher

I grew up in a Reform Jewish family. We didn’t eat pork, but we did eat pepperoni pizza, so we clearly were not strictly Kosher. I only learned much later in life that pepperoni is a sausage made from pigs. I did learn the most important rules, however. Only later...



It is 1998, and a few very generous experienced skydivers agree to let me jump with them, despite my low jump numbers. During the jump, I can’t quite orient my body in the direction it needs to be while staying close enough to the others to present a grip and...


The Ballad of Apo-B

There’s a new player in the cholesterol game, called Apolipoprotein-B. Of course, you will not hear the story in this way from your doctor. Around the time that I was bornScientists began to warnOf a molecule calledCholesterol The body makes it in the liverSo that organ can deliverAll that’s necessaryFor...


Headlines Mislead, Except for This One

Hypothetically, if you saw a headline reading Bowlers need to stop exaggerating the health benefits of their sport, would your reaction be: to wonder which benefits bowlers exaggerate, and eagerly read the article for details to skip the article, but mentally note that bowlers make false health claims to skim...


Frequently Asked Questions

Answered Mostly with Questions I hate tofu and sprouts. Where do you get protein? What’s the best meat substitute? What do you do when you eat out? What supplements do you need? What about fish? What about honey? Where do you get iron (or most other nutrients)? How can I...


Weight Loss and the Black Box

One of the most persistent myths about nutrition is that we put on weight by consuming more calories than we burn. Were this true, it would follow that the only healthy way to lose weight is some combination of eating fewer calories and exercising more. While this approach certainly works...


Healthy Lifestyle Expo

It’s October 2010, and I have been eating whole food, plant-based for almost one year. I’m spending a weekend at the Healthy Lifestyle Expo, which is held at the Warner Center Marriott. It is my first time there and I am glad to meet some people who eat healthy like...