Author: Dan'l


Sun Tea

Fill a clear glass container with one gallon of water, leaving half an inch of space at the top. Add 12 cloves, three hibiscus tea bags, and 7 Good Earth Sweet & Spicy decaffeinated tea bags, putting the tags outside the container. Cover with plastic wrap to protect the tea...


I am not the Food Police

We have raised two generations of people who don’t know how to cook. Many are quite proud of it, as if being able to cook implied a lower caste upbringing. Most people I ask tell me that they eat pretty healthfully. They often say they don’t eat much red meat,...


I am not a Vegan

Most people understand “vegan” to mean a person who does not eat any animal-based foods. Just avoiding animal-based food does not guarantee one a healthy diet, and indeed there are many fat and sick vegans. Usually this is because they eat large amounts of nuts, vegan cheeses which are just...


Breaking Addictions

Breaking addictions is a big topic, and I refer you to Johann Hari’s book Chasing the Scream for a rewarding treatment of it. For food addictions like sugar, salt, oil and cheese, try these ideas: Some people do better gradually tapering off, some do better all-at-once. Do what works for...


Changing Tastes

It is easy to form the belief that foods that appeal to us must be healthy, or at least okay to eat. Listen to what your body asks for and you will know what to give it. This may have been close to correct in the environment in which we...


What Do I Eat?

I eat a lot of food, roughly four pounds each day. What do I consider to be food? Fruits, leafy and root vegetables, whole grains, beans and other legumes. I eat lots of spices but little salt. Maybe one or two ounces of nuts and half an ounce of the...


How I Came to Eat This Way

It is 2009, and I work at a small company headed by a man named John Tanner. John is three months younger than me. We are 52. In October, he is out jogging on a Sunday when he suddenly falls over with a heart attack. His heart had stopped. I’m...


How Not to Starve at Home

Many people are convinced that they don’t know how to cook. When they try, they don’t like the result, which just reinforces their conclusion that they can’t do it.  I love to cook, and I love to eat my own cooking. But I don’t like to spend much time cooking,...


The Last Ten Pounds

It is summer of 2021. Kathryn and I avoid crowds more than before Covid, and eat mostly our own cooking. I watch more television than I think is good for me. There is an ad blitz for an app called Noom, which claims to offer personalized, psychology-based weight loss. My...


How Not to Starve on a Cruise, part 2

We arrived at Catalina Island Tuesday morning, despite having returned to Long Beach just a few hours after leaving. A passenger had a medical emergency that led to the early return. Since Catalina is just twenty-six miles from Long Beach, it did not put us off schedule. Kathryn and I...