Monthly Archive: August 2024


Wuest Ways and Bars

It is a hot Tuesday in August 2024. Our skydiving group, the Wuest Ways has made two jumps early, trying to make four before it gets too hot and the dust devils amplify the danger of landing. Because there is a military team training here at Perris today, we get...


Road Trip 2024–the Return

Click on any image to see it in full resolution. Our trip to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky went off without a hitch. There were some twists on the return, however. The plan had been to return our rental car at the Cincinnati airport early afternoon on Monday July 16,...


Road Trip 2024—Ohio and Kentucky

Click on any image to see it in full resolution. Friday night, after an early vegan dinner in Indiana, we drove our rented Malibu through Cincinnati to a Kentucky suburb to see our best friends Mike and Amy Canary. We stopped for some flowers and a few provisions along the...